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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Here?s Johnny! SkySQL Raises Another $2.5M To Give Oracle Nightmares
Natural Finance - 21st century venture capital: Natural Finance's ...
The only disadvantage to borrowers of replacing equity financing with natural finance loans is that they lose opportunities for deception. ?Even though common shareholders hold a theoretical right to receive dividends and to influence/control management through a board of directors, there is no obligation to pay dividends, or high enough dividends, and management regularly controls enough shares and board seats to control the firm's direction. ?This can especially affect the powerlessness of minority shareholders. ?Natural finance's key advantages over owning shares is that investors are repaid when the funds are available, and management and insiders can keep complete control, and benefits of long term profitability, over the enterprise.
I will show how natural finance can benefit a copper mine, and a large company that doesn't strictly need financing.
A mining operation, at its early stages, cannot use traditional hard loans (bonds or bank loans) because project and production delays are common. ? Mining projects simply lack the reliability to commit to fixed repayment terms, especially early on.
A copper mine will usually be financed with an offer similar to "$10M invested in common shares will result in $20M of profits attributable to those shares over 10 years, and a bit more profit over some more years until the hole empties out." ?Even if the metal and profits estimates turn out to be accurate, the investor is extremely unlikely to be paid those future profits, because management is very likely to use those profits to drill more holes and scoop more rocks, and then with those profits, start even more mining projects. ?Most public companies behave like mining companies, preferring to expand over repaying its shareholders. ?Owning public shares is inherently a pyramid scheme unlikely to pay out on investment, which although carries the option to sell out, the information necessary to have the proper timing in selling out is only available to insiders. ?Another issue worth emphasizing with the $20M expected value of a $10M common share offering is that it is very similar to a political?campaign?promise: ?The goal is the physical transfer of your approval, and fulfilling the promise less important. ?Natural finance solves this important issue by forcing management to believe in itself.
Natural Finance soft loans provide the mining company with the flexibility of not repaying investors until there is sufficient cashflow generated by operations, but obligates it to repay once funds are available. ?While the copper mine management loses the complete control over profits, and power to obstruct investor repayments, they are still likely to be able to finance expansion projects if they properly steward the first project, because they are likely to be able to convince someone to trust them due to their past success. ?Both existing and new investors should be willing to invest in those new projects. ?The biggest advantage of natural finance for the copper mine management is that they can continue to own 100% of it, and they give up much less profit to investors. ?Investors get the advantage of being repaid quickly and the power/choice of whether to reinvest.
An example copper mine that needs to raise a $10M investment. ?Under natural finance, 10 investors could each bid $1M (shown as 1000 in column 1 of chart below) at various interest rates from 6% to 24% (column 2), and they each receive their queue priority position based on lowest bid interest rate first (top row). ?After the 3rd year, the project will start contributing $2M (2000 in chart) per year in surpluses available to repay investors. ?For the example's simplicity, investors are only repaid at the end of a year (real companies would pay weekly or monthly). ?You may scroll the chart to the right to inspect accrued loan balances and repayments. ?Column 3 summarizes which year each investor is first repaid in, and column 4 show their total return on investment. ?The key result is that $6.9M in total interest is repaid to investors under this natural finance example compared to the $10M that would have been "promised" to new shareholders. ?Management also gets to keep all future profits for itself. ?
To understand why each investor would bid very different interest rate demands, lets look at their actual returns. ?The first 6 investors receive exactly what they bid, with the 6th investor having the highest total return of 16%/year. ?Investors 7 to 10, due to the 100% total interest cap, receive less than their bid rates. ?Their annual returns are 14%, 12.5%, 11% and 10% respectively.
A copper mine project has several risks that can affect actual performance/profitability. ?Delays, the price of copper, the percentage of copper in rocks, and the cost of labour and fuel. ?The first 3 investors (6-10%) are the most secure against adverse risks, while the last 4 investors (18%-24%) may be hopeful that profits will be better than expected. ?But the motives for each investor choosing his position in the queue are deeper than this.
Loan queue investors have 2 important options when they are about to be repaid. ?Their first, and most important, option is the right to not be repaid at that time, and instead keep their position in queue. ?When this right is exercised, repayment is then offered to the next investor in queue, who has the same option. ?The reason an investor would refuse to be repaid are: 1. He would like to continue earning interest, and 2. He would like to keep his priority position in queue because it is more secure, and 3. expects the opportunity to make a decision on receiving payment again soon. ?In our copper mine example, in the first year of operations (year 3), it is likely that the first 6 investors (those with interest rates of 6%-16%) would all refuse the first repayment because they are content with the ROI they expect to receive, and content with the security of being at the head of the queue. ?The 18% and 20% investor might choose either to be repaid or repaid partially, or also pass until their next opportunity. ?Both these investors do not expect to make their full bid ROI (due to interest rate cap), but it will take a few years before they reach their cap, and they can expect to have the same decision opportunity at time of next payment. ?They might also hope that operating profits could increase in coming years and thus pay them their full bid ROI. Receiving partial payment would reduce risk, and extend the time until they reach their interest cap. ?The 9th investor (22%) would most likely take payment because of uncertainty in having the option to decide again. ?The advantage of this mechanism for the borrowing copper mine is that the process allows it to pay off 20%+ interest debt instead of 6% debt, and so would typically save it interest expenses.
Under natural finance, investors know precisely their position in queue priority and know the amounts and interest rates of all other loans. ?Together with straightforward information on past, current, and possibly expected future operational surpluses on the project, the investors can have a clear projection on an expected repayment date, and so able to make informed decisions as to how to act on repayment opportunities. ?Unlike traditional investing shareholders, natural finance investors are not at the mercy of management's decision to finance new projects, give themselves bonuses or options, or fancy new offices. ?Under natural finance all of those management decisions require new financing which will be placed at a priority payment position that is at the end of the existing investor queue. ?In the case of our copper mine example, if annual operational surpluses were below $2M (or expected to be), then it would result in the 16% or 14% investor choosing to be repaid.
The 2nd option available to natural finance queued investors with an offer to be repaid, is to reinvest any part of their repayment back into the queue at an interest rate slightly lower than the copper mine's average/natural interest rate. ?In the example, the average interest rate among all investors is 15%. ?This is called the firm's natural rate, and represents its total interest costs on the full loan queue value. ?In the first couple of years of production where the company is returning $2m per year to investors, the attractiveness of investing will have been established. ?Reinvesting repayment proceeds at 14.9% would have a full ROI expected repayment date in 6 years if operations continue at experienced pace. ?If the 5 investors at the head of the queue (6%-14%) prefer to obtain an expected return of 14.9% over 6 years (maybe shorter) instead of their more secure position at the head of the queue, then those 5 investors would move to the end of the queue in payment priority, and the 16% investor would now be at the head of the queue. ?All investors would now expect to be paid their full bid ROI. ?When the firm offers a $2M repayment to the investor at the head of the queue, if that investor refuses payment on a portion of his investment, and chooses to reinvest the remaining portion at the natural rate offer, then a $2M repayment offer remains?available?to the next investor in line. ?If all 5 of the first investors (6-14%) choose reinvestment, it is likely that all other investors would prefer to refuse payment over cashing out or reinvesting. ?Although, the 24% investor (originally last in queue) would likely also prefer to keep his interest earning investment, and normally has the option to do so, the copper mine has the right to choose which investor to repay when several choose refusal of payment. ?As a result, the copper mine will choose to repay the highest interest 24% investor even if he would prefer not to be repaid. ?It also has a bit left over to repay the 22% investor.The net result of the initial $2M payment is that all loans that were from 6%-14% are now costing the company about 14.9% (actually slightly higher as the natural rate will edge higher when 6% investor reinvests at 14.9%), and it has removed one loan at 24%. ?The 24% loan was originally scheduled to "cap out" and cost the company only 10% interest per year over its lifetime. ?Thus, the reinvestment process would appear to be costing the company significantly higher interest costs, but the cascade of reinvestments isn't finished yet. ? ?The copper mine, once it is operating successfully, will appear to be an attractive investment at 8%-10%. ??The 24% investor that when we last left the example was paid out retains the option to reinvest, and since the natural interest rate being offered is well above 10%, the 24% investor should choose to reinvest. ?Natural finance queue positions are like a game of musical chairs where each player can shove others out of their chairs. ?If all the company's investors believe that investing in the copper mine as low as 10% is a good idea, then the natural rate will be driven down to 10%, and all of the investors will hold loans around a 10% interest rate.
Under natural finance, since there is a $12.5M loan balance after the end of the copper mine's 3rd year and first repayment, if there is $12.5M of investment capital in the world that thinks the copper mine is a good investment at 10% or 7% (or any rate below the company's current natural rate), then the company's interest costs will drop down to that level as a result of new investors buying out existing investors each at slightly below the company's natural rate. ?Using computer's and investors predetermining their responses to repayment offers between the time it is announced and paid, the musical chairs shuffling of investor queue positions can unfold in under 1 second, and the original steep interest curve (6%-24%) transformed into a relatively flat curve where each investor holds 10% interest rate loans almost instantly. ?For instance, the 6% investor could pre-decide his reactions to payment offers as: take 10% of the loan balance or just the interest profit portion as repayment, with the remainder reinvested to interest rates as low as 9% only if a payment offer of $5M or more is made, with 70% of the remainder to be refused payment, and the remainder reinvested as low as 8%. ?All of these predeterminations could be kept secret from the company and other investors. ?The logic of the 6% investor's example decision sequence is that he would like to leverage his optimal queue position to gain some regular income from the investment, is very willing to reinvest, swapping his queue position, if there is a large investment, because he won't be all the way at the more risky end of the queue, but is willing to reinvest a smaller portion of his investment anyway. ?Even if an investor secretly accepts a rate as low as 8% or 9%, he still gets to reinvest at the higher natural rate offer of the company, until other investors drive down the natural rate to his minimum acceptable rate.
Summary of the repayment opportunities for investors at head of queue:
- Company surpluses which must be offered as repayment
- New investor funds wishing to bid at an interest rate lower than the company's current average interest rate
- If higher queue priority investors refuse any repayment opportunity
- If higher queue priority investors reinvest some of their repayments into the queue.
For the borrowing company, natural finance has a clear advantage over traditional debt in that repayments are made only when there is?incoming?cashflow. ?And, clear advantages over shareholder financing, in that 100% control and ownership is maintained by insiders/management, and investors are repaid a capped amount calculated by an interest formula over the time of repayment.
Part 3b - A failing company
Let's consider what happens under natural finance when a company is failing. ?Lets say our copper mine has an expected 3 years of life remaining (after which all the accessible copper is expected to be gone), and that each of these years it will generate $1M in surpluses available to repay investors, but there is $10M in outstanding natural finance queued loans. ?For simplicity, let's say the queue is made up of 10 investors each owed $1M.
In this scenario, the owners will never be able to profit from the copper mine. ?Their only interest in continuing to manage the company would be earning wages and salaries. ?The sustainability provisions of the comptrollership function would ensure that before this point is reached, management salaries would be reduced to below market rates, and so in a failing company, the owner management is likely to just walk away, and they don't even have an incentive to lie about the health of the company.The company still has full value for the first 3 investors ($3M combined due loans), and has no expected value for the remaining 7 investors. ?The natural finance bankruptcy process is simply a formalization of owners walking away from the project. ?Debt is never discharged, but some of the debt holders become naturally interested parties in keeping the company a going concern. ?These investors can convince management to walk away through some kind of payment/incentive.
If the 3rd investor assumed 100% control of the company, there would be no inconvenience borne by the first 2 investors since they will need to be repaid before the 3rd investor can repay himself. ?The only hard rule in deciding which investors split control over the company, in a natural finance bankruptcy, is that any investor that is fully repaid, drops all of his further control without additional compensation.
Part 3c - A failing company that can benefit from additional investment
In the last scenario, $3M in available surpluses will be repaid to investors over 3 years. ?These projections are based on no new investments, but cover wages, energy costs, and rents. ?If $500K in new investments (covering machine maintenance, digging out adjacent areas of the mine, reprocessing tailings/left over rubble) were to generate an expected $2M in additional surpluses, then that investment is economical and worth it for someone.
The issue is that the first investor is uninterested in spending even a penny in unnecessary expenses. ?While the 4th and 5th investors would have their respective $1M loans be worthless if the investment is not made, and worth their full $1M if the investment is as successful as expected. ?The obvious answer for where the $500k in new investment capital will come from is the 4th and 5th investors. ?If these investors don't feel like putting up additional money, or don't believe in the new investment, they can sell their "worthless" $1M claims to anyone in a market-based transaction ($about $10k-$100k, likely), to someone that does believe in the investment. ?Any additional investment, in a natural finance bankruptcy, is in the form of a loan with priority at the end of the queue, just as in a non bankruptcy situation. ?The difference being that no one expects it to ever be repaid, and the motivation for the investment is the opportunity to repay higher priority loans owned by the same investor(s).
The next issue is how should the 4th and 5th investor split the investment. ?The 4th investor would prefer paying the full $500k amount over the investment not being made at all (because he would make $500k instead of $0). ?He'd also prefer that the 5th investor pay for some of it as well. ?The 4th investor will receive a maximum of $1M, and any new investment he makes will almost certainly be lost. ?Any amount that the 5th investor puts up as new investment will help the 4th investor's total return.
The recommended process, in natural finance bankruptcies, is that control of the company is entirely proportional to dollars of new investment made. ?The investor putting up additional investment also decides what those funds will be used for. ?If only the 4th and 5th investors put up investment capital then only they will have any decision input on the company. ?The 5th investor will only be paid if the company makes an additional (to $3M) $1M to $2M in operating surpluses. ?The 5th investor may prefer (to 4th investor's delight) to put up $251k ( 51%) of the new investment, in order to steward the company to make its full $5M. ?Part of the negotiation can also involve the 4th and 5th investors offering to buy out or swap parts of each others loan holdings.?After the 5th investor is fully repaid, control and ownership would pass to the 6th investor, and would be abandoned at his discretion if the company is worthless at that time. ?
The other issue with allocating control of the company, is that the future may be predictable but it is never certain. ?If copper prices were to fall, such that the original expected $3M turned into $2M, the 3rd investor would want the copany to stop producing temporarily, while the first 2 investors would prefer it keep going. ?Such decisions would be given to whoever puts up additional investment. ?Since the 2nd investor is only inconvenienced by a delay in being repaid if operations are suspended, he's unlikely to outbid the 3rd investor on new investment, since the 3rd investor risks losing everything if the copper is sold at too low prices.
Natural financed companies not only have an advantage of avoiding bankruptcy longer through owner "hope", once the bankruptcy process starts, there is a sensible process that keeps the company operating as normal through the bankruptcy, and even allows new investment to occur. ?Under traditional finance' bankruptcies, new investment is impossible until all debt is "cleansed"/signed off, and even continued operations are likely to be terminated prematurely due to having to negotiate with creditors as a group. ?Traditional finance bankruptcy is also expensive for all parties involved, and potential creditor dilutions are complex matters that can fool even sophisticated investors.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Rumor: Sony to announce acquisition of Gaikai streaming video game
Sony is reportedly closing a deal that will radically transform the PlayStation business.
Every trailer and teaser from every video game company on Earth ahead of E3 promises the same things: Revolutionary new services! Ground breaking announcements! News so earth shattering that your mind will literally split open and rays of pure enlightenment will flood your secret interior! Rumors and teases for weeks now have hinted that Sony is planning big announcements for E3, but the biggest rumor of all is swiftly looking like a reality: Sony is going to transform its gaming business by acquiring streaming, cloud-based games service Gaikai.
MCV reported on Wednesday that Sony is very near to finalizing a deal to acquire a streaming games service. The site?s source is quoted as saying the deal ?is close to being signed.?
We reported last Thursday that Sony was rumored to be partnering with a streaming video game service and would announce the union at E3 in Los Angeles next week, but it was unknown which service in particular would be that partner. Gameblog.fr (via NeoGAF) reported on Wednesday though that Gaikai is now teasing a major announcement for E3 as well. An invitation to Gaikai?s event reads: ?Gaikai has major announcements for E3 which have the potential to change the future of video games, game consoles, and the way in which we play.?
A partnership with Gaikai would massively broaden Sony?s potential gaming business. The PlayStation 3 itself could become the first major console to support a full streaming service, but a PlayStation-branded streaming service that hosts big budget console games like Mass Effect 3 and Resident Evil 6 on smartphones and tablets would widen Sony?s reach in the gaming business dramatically. It would also be a service that truly distinguished Sony?s home and portable consoles from the competition, a legitimate hook, something Sony has lacked in this console generation.
Of the nascent streaming, cloud-based game services out there, Gaikai is not quite as successful as OnLive. It simply doesn?t have as many partners providing game content, relying chiefly on Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and Capcom for its content. This deal with Sony would likely strengthen its standing with publishers considerably, as Sony would act as a link to all of the publishers? retail ambitions. The consoles themselves would help publishers maintain a physical retail presence, the PlayStation Network an established digital distribution center, and the remodeled Gaikai as reliable way to explore streaming content with a secure partner.
This could be a defining E3 for Sony.?
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Tomato genome gets fully sequenced -- paves way to healthier fruits, veggies
ScienceDaily (May 30, 2012) ? For the first time, the genome of the tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, has been decoded, and it becomes an important step toward improving yield, nutrition, disease resistance, taste and color of the tomato and other crops. The full genome sequence, as well as the sequence of a wild relative, is jointly published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.
Specifically, the genome was sequenced from the "Heinz 1706" tomato.
The publication caps years of work by members of the Tomato Genomics Consortium, an international collaboration between Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom, United States and others.
James Giovannoni, a scientist at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, located on the campus of Cornell University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, lead the U.S. tomato sequencing team, which includes researchers at several institutions. The wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium) genome sequence was developed at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Consortium researchers report that tomatoes possess some 35,000 genes arranged on 12 chromosomes. "For any characteristic of the tomato, whether it's taste, natural pest resistance or nutritional content, we've captured virtually all those genes," says Giovannoni.
The sequences of these genes and their arrangement on the chromosomes are described in the Nature article, "The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution," which is information that allows researchers to move at a quicker pace and plant breeders to produce new varieties with specific desired characteristics.
"Tomato genetics underlies the potential for improved taste every home gardener knows and every supermarket shopper desires and the genome sequence will help solve this and many other issues in tomato production and quality," says Giovannoni.
Now that the genome sequence of one variety of tomato is known, it will also be easier and much less expensive for seed companies and plant breeders to sequence other varieties for research and development, he added. Whereas the first tomato genome sequence came at a cost of millions of dollars, subsequent ones might only cost $10,000 or less, by building on these initial findings.
To provide access to the gene sequences of the tomato and related species, Boyce Thompson Institute scientist Lukas Mueller and his team have created an interactive website (www.solgenomics.net). In the United States, Boyce Thompson Institute scientists Zhangjun Fei and Joyce Van Eck contributed to the sequence and its analysis. Other U.S. institutions involved: Cornell University, Colorado State, University of Florida, University of Oklahoma, University of Georgia, University of Arizona, University of Delaware, Montana State, University of Tennessee, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the USDA.
The sequencing of the tomato genome has implications for other plant species. Strawberries, apples, melons, bananas and many other fleshy fruits, share some characteristics with tomatoes, so information about the genes and pathways involved in fruit ripening can potentially be applied to them, helping to improve food quality, food security and reduce costs.
"Now we can start asking a lot more interesting questions about fruit biology, disease resistance, root development and nutritional qualities," Giovannoni says. Tomatoes represent a $2 billion market in the United States alone. The USDA estimates that Americans consume, on average, more than 72 pounds of tomato products annually.
The sequencing would not have been possible without the work of Cornell's Steven Tanksley and Boyce Thompson's Greg Martin in the 1990s. Tanksley, Martin and other Ithaca scientists developed genetic maps and other molecular tools for tomatoes to study mechanisms of disease resistance, and those tools ultimately paved the way for the consortium's sequencing efforts.
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Story Source:
The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. The original article was written by Merry Buckley, a freelance science writer in Ithaca, N.Y.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
- The Tomato Genome Consortium. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature, 2012; 485 (7400): 635 DOI: 10.1038/Nature11119
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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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Columbus, OH
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Mathematicians can conjure matter waves inside an invisible hat
ScienceDaily (May 29, 2012) ? Invisibility, once the subject of magic or legend, is slowly becoming reality. Over the past five years mathematicians and other scientists have been working on devices that enable invisibility cloaks -- perhaps not yet concealing Harry Potter, but at least shielding small objects from detection by microwaves or sound waves.
A University of Washington mathematician is part of an international team working to understand invisibility and extend its possible applications. The group has now devised an amplifier that can boost light, sound or other waves while hiding them inside an invisible container.
"You can isolate and magnify what you want to see, and make the rest invisible," said corresponding author Gunther Uhlmann, a UW mathematics professor. "You can amplify the waves tremendously. And although the wave has been magnified a lot, you still cannot see what is happening inside the container."
The findings are published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
As a first application, the researchers propose manipulating matter waves, which are the mathematical description of particles in quantum mechanics. The researchers envision building a quantum microscope that could capture quantum waves, the waves of the nanoworld. A quantum microscope could, for example, be used to monitor electronic processes on computer chips.
The authors dubbed their system "Schr?dinger's hat," referring to the famed Schr?dinger's cat in quantum mechanics. The name is also a nod to the ability to create something from what appears to be nothing.
"In some sense you are doing something magical, because it looks like a particle is being created. It's like pulling something out of your hat," Uhlmann said.
Matter waves inside the hat can also be shrunk, though Uhlmann notes that concealing very small objects "is not so interesting."
Uhlmann, who is on leave at the University of California, Irvine, has been working on invisibility with fellow mathematicians Allan Greenleaf at the University of Rochester, Yaroslav Kurylev at University College London in the U.K., and Matti Lassas at the University of Helsinki in Finland, all of whom are co-authors on the new paper.
The team helped develop the original mathematics to formulate cloaks, which must be realized using a class of engineered materials, dubbed metamaterials, that bend waves so that it appears as if there was no object in their path. The international team in 2007 devised wormholes in which waves disappear in one place and pop up somewhere else.
For this paper, they teamed up with co-author Ulf Leonhardt, a physicist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and author on one of the first papers on invisibility.
Recent progress suggests that a Schrodinger's hat could, in fact, be built for some types of waves.
"From the experimental point of view, I think the most exciting thing is how easy it seems to be to build materials for acoustic cloaking," Uhlmann said. Wavelengths for microwave, sound and quantum matter waves are longer than light or electromagnetic waves, making it easier to build the materials to cloak objects from observation using these phenomena.
"We hope that it's feasible, but in science you don't know until you do it," Uhlmann said. Now that the paper is published, they hope to find collaborators to build a prototype.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation in the U.S., the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society in the U.K., and the Academy of Finland.
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Story Source:
The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Washington. The original article was written by Hannah Hickey.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
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Valid Factors To Consider Filing Bankruptcy ? marciacrossfan.net
Write-up by Jon Arnold
Valid Factors To Take into account Filing Bankruptcy - Finance
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No person would like or ideas to file individual bankruptcy, particularly with the modern drastic modifications in the bankruptcy regulation which can make it much more tough or even extremely hard for individuals in specified situations to even think about filing bankruptcy. Personal bankruptcy is a personalized factor and is also typically a very psychological issue, so it is not something to enter into with out a extremely comprehensive examination of your personal bankruptcy choices and options.
Consumers who discover on their own in the unwanted predicament of acquiring a mountain of financial debt may possibly be considering filing bankruptcy. This is not something that is a personal reflection on the individual, because much more often than not, filing bankruptcy is not a signal of any type of economic mismanagement, but is far more generally identified to be some thing that was totally out of the handle of the client, such as a occupation layoff when it was not predicted, unexpected higher medical or hospitalization bills that had been not covered by one's wellbeing insurance, a hotly contested divorce scenario, or a lot of a lot more reasons too several to list right here.
Even though numerous occasions buyers sense that individual bankruptcy is a indicator of weakness or a indicator of defeat, several moments it is the most viable alternative obtainable below the situation. Countless numbers of folks file for bankruptcy each and every yr, even although the bankruptcy laws have modified in modern several years, producing it significantly a lot more hard to file personal bankruptcy than it utilized to be. Personal bankruptcy can also be personally uncomfortable, though it should not be.
It is exciting to note that approximately 30% of customers filing for personal bankruptcy are undertaking so because of a divorce predicament. Particularly for ladies, even though far more ladies perform outside the house the residence these times than ever before, several girls right after a divorce find on their own with far more payments to spend off than their cash flow permits. In a divorce circumstance, the marital debt is equally divided among the spouses. Most of the time, that financial debt is on credit score cards that carry a high interest charge, and missing only a number of repayments on that, blended with the late expenses assessed, can produce a mountain of overdue debt that appears insurmountable.
In the scenario of some sort of main or catastrophic celebration such as a significant surgery or hospitalization, specially when such healthcare charges are not covered or have exceeded the limits of one's wellness insurance coverage, this can depart a single with enormous charges and no true hope of ever getting them paid out off. For a key medical treatment, the costs can exceed $ one hundred,000 just before you know it as effectively as considerably larger, and even at reduced or no curiosity assessed, this is one thing that will lead to a lot of men and women to contemplate bankruptcy to take care of.
One more common cause for filing bankruptcy is younger people who get in more than their monetary heads with credit cards and university student loans although they are in school. This is borne out by the truth that about 10% of men and women filing bankruptcy are under age twenty five. In this scenario, it is crucial to note that whilst individual bankruptcy could give aid for the credit score card credit card debt, federal university student loans are exempt from getting discharged by individual bankruptcy, so often this does not support these men and women.
In individual bankruptcy, you want to make sure you comprehend personal bankruptcy regulation. The laws have changed dramatically and bankruptcy is no longer a "do it yourself" task. The money you commit on a great bankruptcy lawyer can shell out you again in spades by not creating the personal bankruptcy a lot more unpleasant than it demands to be, as properly as presenting assistance to individual bankruptcy alternatives that you may not have considered that would be far less painful than bankruptcy.
About the Writer
For far more insights and further information about Valid Reasons To Take into account Filing Bankruptcy as properly as obtaining a free bankruptcy evaluation from a capable personal bankruptcy attorney regional to you, please visit our world wide web web site at http://www.personal bankruptcy-knowledge.com
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whereby the original author's information and copyright should be integrated.
Jon Arnold
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World economic growth: EU r?ffelt China, Japan and the United States
Tags: China, Economic, growth, Japan, r?ffelt, States, United, world
world economic growth: EU r?ffelt China, Japan and the United States
Brussels Before the G20 meeting in June, the EU requires a contribution from the United States, China and Japan to promote global economic growth . The United States and Japan would have to bring their public finances in order and allow China including a free trade its currency, according to a letter from European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and President Herman Van Rompuy to the 27 members of the Union.
?Europe has a special responsibility for safeguarding financial stability in the euro-zone complied,? write the two. ?Now it is reinforced on all G20 members to continue their efforts to ensure a sustainable global economic recovery.? Meet the leaders of the group of leading industrialized and emerging countries on 18 and 19 June in Mexico.
Barroso and Van Rompuy warned the U.S. against the end of the year again to get into financial trouble because the statutory limit of indebtedness is reached earlier. The EU countries should therefore push in Los Babo?s biggest economy to produce a credible medium-term plan for Schuldenbau.Sources:
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Friday, May 25, 2012
Scots' push for Britain breakup begins in earnest
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Supporters of independence for Scotland will launch on Friday what they say is the biggest grassroots campaign in Scottish history, a move that could result in the demise of a 305-year-old union with England and the breakup of Britain.
Seeking to tap into a cocktail of historical rivalry, opposing political tastes, and a perception that the British parliament in London does not nurture Scotland's national interests, the "Yes Scotland" campaign says it wants to win a referendum on independence in 2014 and for the country to become fully independent by 2016.
"For the first time the issue is real because people are going to have a vote," a spokesman for the campaign, who said he could not be named in line with protocol, told Reuters.
"People are more open to this than they have ever been before. It is fundamentally better for our future if decisions about Scotland are taken by the people who care about it the most."
If successful, such a move could create serious problems for Britain - which comprises England, Scotland and Wales (Britain is in turn part of the United Kingdom which also includes Northern Ireland).
Britain's Trident nuclear submarine fleet is based in Scotland, revenues from Scottish North Sea oil remain important to its coffers, and analysts say Britain would find it harder to maintain its voice at international bodies such as the U.N. Security Council as well as in European Union decision-making.
"The biggest issue for the UK is defence," Professor John Curtice of the University of Strathclyde said in a phone interview. "The question would be whether an independent Scotland would allow the UK to maintain its nuclear facilities there."
Despite its relatively small population of just over five million - compared to England's population of just over 52 million - a vote for Scottish independence inevitably would diminish Britain's voice on the world stage, he added.
"The rest of the world would be surprised and shocked that the UK was unable to hold together. It would not be perceived to be as big a player as it is now. Its weight in the world would be diminished."
Opinion polls show that around 40 percent of Scottish people are sympathetic to independence, with around 10 percent undecided and the remaining 50 percent opposed. South of the border in England, polls show people are largely apathetic.
The independence drive is being led by Alex Salmond, the feisty leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP). His party won a majority in Scottish elections last year and under the country's devolved system of government, it has control over health, education and prisons.
The British government in London controls foreign policy and defence. Yet Scotland has many of the trappings of an independent nation - its own flag, sports teams, culture and a history of achievements in science and literature.
Salmond wants Scotland to have its own armed forces and foreign policy and rejects a nuclear submarine facility based close to Glasgow.
The SNP-backed launch of the Yes Scotland campaign will take place at a conference centre on Friday in Edinburgh, the Scottish capital, and will be attended by pro-independence celebrities whose names have not been revealed.
One of Scotland's most high-profile celebrity supporters of independence is Sean Connery, famous for his cinematic depiction of British secret service agent James Bond. The same campaign spokesman declined to confirm whether Connery would attend.
Waiting for a bus on Edinburgh's George Street, an elegant thoroughfare littered with statues dating back to the heyday of the British Empire, 27-year-old bank worker Gregor Low said he would be voting for independence.
"There has always been a romantic notion of Scotland wanting its independence," he said. Praising the SNP and deriding the Conservative party which is locked in an increasingly unpopular British coalition government with the Liberal Democrat party, he said Scottish people felt removed from London.
"How can (Prime Minister) David Cameron or (Finance Minister) George Osborne know anything about the realities of life in Scotland?"
Edinburgh reflects the nation's complex history. It is home to the most tangible symbol of Scotland's thirst for greater independence: the ultra-modern Scottish parliament building.
But ironically, it is also home to an array of British imperial monuments built to commemorate the significant role Scotland played in the Empire alongside England.
History runs deep in Scotland and, symbolically, the independence referendum will be held on the 700th anniversary of the 1314 Battle of Bannockburn in which an army commanded by England's King Edward II was roundly defeated at the hands of a smaller force led by Robert the Bruce, a source of enduring pride for Scottish patriots.
The Yes Scotland campaign says it aims to go door to door in an effort to try to persuade people to sign a "Yes Declaration".
Harry Reid, an author and journalist who has followed Scottish politics since 1969, said the Labour party, traditionally strong in Scotland, had seen its supporters switch to the SNP in recent years.
That is crucial as Scotland historically is more inclined to vote for the left, whereas English voters have voted in much larger numbers for the right, underscoring a political fault line between north and south.
Furious at what they saw as former prime minister Tony Blair's support of U.S. foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, Reid said disenchanted Labour voters may yet return to the fold.
If they do - in sufficiently large numbers ahead of a British general election in 2015 - the "yes" campaign would be buried, he said.
"If we're going to get a decent Labour government back in 2015 people might wonder whether they really need independence."
(Additional reporting by Ian MacKenzie; Editing by Michael Roddy)
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Missouri opts for untested drug for executions
ST. LOUIS (AP) ? The same anesthetic that caused the overdose death of pop star Michael Jackson is now the drug of choice for executions in Missouri, causing a stir among critics who question how the state can guarantee a drug untested for lethal injection won't cause pain and suffering for the condemned.
Last week the Missouri Department of Corrections announced it was switching from its longstanding three-drug method to use of a single drug, propofol. Missouri would be the first state ever to use propofol as an execution drug.
"This is very, very concerning with a drug that we don't know, and seeing the problems of the one-drug method," said Kathleen Holmes of Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.
Until recently, the 33 states with the death penalty used a virtually identical three-drug process: Sodium thiopental was administered to put the inmate to sleep, then two other drugs stopped the heart and lungs. But makers of sodium thiopental have stopped selling it for use in executions. Supplies mostly ran out or expired, forcing states to consider alternatives.
Most states have retained the three-drug method but turned to pentobarbital as a replacement for sodium thiopental. Pentobarbital, a barbiturate used to treat anxiety and convulsive disorders such as epilepsy, has been used in roughly 50 executions over the past two years, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Washington-based Death Penalty Information Center.
But its use may be short-lived as its maker also opposes selling it for use in executions.
The statement announcing the change in Missouri said the decision was "due to the unavailability of sodium thiopental" but did not elaborate on why propofol was chosen. The protocol change was administrative and did not require legislative approval. The Corrections Department declined interview requests, but spokesman Chris Cline said Wednesday in a one-sentence statement, "Working with expert guidance, we are confident that this new one-drug protocol will be effective and appropriate."
It wasn't clear when propofol would get its first use in an execution. None are scheduled in Missouri despite Attorney General Chris Koster's request last week that the Missouri Supreme Court set execution dates for up to 19 condemned men whose appeals have run out.
Litigation over Missouri's new protocol is possible. Attorneys for death row inmates told The Associated Press that they are still gathering information on the new process and no decision has been made on whether to seek an injunction.
Between 1989, when executions resumed in Missouri, and 2005, the state put to death 66 convicted killers. But in the seven years since, only two men have been executed ? Dennis Skillicorn in 2009 and Martin Link last year. Use of the death penalty has declined sharply in recent years nationwide. The U.S. had 98 executions in 1999 but just 43 last year. Nearly 3,200 people remain on death row.
Propofol, made by AstraZeneca PLC and marketed as Diprivan, gained notoriety following Jackson's death in 2009. Spokespeople for AstraZeneca and its U.S. marketer, APP, declined comment on its use in executions. But Dieter questioned if enough research has been done.
"Any drug used for a new purpose on human subjects should certainly be tested very, very carefully," Dieter said. "I can only imagine the things that might go wrong."
Adding to the concern, some say, is Missouri's written protocol which, like the one it replaced, does not require a physician to be part of the execution team. It states that a "physician, nurse, or pharmacist" prepares the chemicals, and a "physician, nurse or emergency medical technician ... inserts intravenous lines, monitors the prisoner, and supervises the injection of lethal chemicals by nonmedical members of the execution team."
Jonathan Groner, an Ohio State University surgeon who has studied lethal injection extensively, said propofol is typically administered by either an anesthesiologist, who is a physician, or a nurse anesthetist under the physician's direct supervision. Improper administration could cause a burning sensation or pain at the injection site, he said.
Groner said high doses of propofol will kill by causing respiratory arrest. But the dosage must be accurate and the process must move swiftly because propofol typically wears off in just a few minutes.
"If they start breathing before the heart stops, they might not die," Groner said. That would force the process to be restarted.
Critics also question the safety of the single-drug method. Missouri becomes the third state with a single-drug protocol, along with Arizona and Ohio. Three others ? South Dakota, Idaho and Washington ? have options for single- or multiple-drug executions, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. California and Kentucky are exploring a switch to the one-drug method.
Concerns were raised after a one-drug execution last month in Arizona. Thomas Arnold Kemp, a 63-year-old convicted killer, shook for several seconds upon receiving a lethal dose of pentobarbital.
The debate over the administration of lethal drugs has angered some capital punishment advocates who suggest that death row inmates ? largely convicted killers ? seem to get more compassion than their victims.
Carol Angelbeck has spent years urging Missouri officials to pick up the pace on executions. Angelbeck's 24-year-old daughter, Mindy Griffin, was raped and strangled by Michael Worthington, who broke into her suburban St. Louis condo in 1995. Worthington is awaiting execution.
"If they can't find a drug they like, go to hanging," Angelbeck said. "Maybe they should feel some pain and others would think twice about killing someone."
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Pakistan jails doctor who helped CIA find bin Laden
Newly released documents seized in the 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden's compound show bin Laden had ordered al-Qaida to assassinate President Barack Obama or General David Petraeus. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports.
By NBC News and news services
Updated at 10:55 a.m. ET: PESHAWAR, Pakistan?-- A Pakistani doctor accused of helping the CIA find Osama bin Laden was convicted of high treason and sentenced to 33 years in prison on Wednesday.?
Shakil Afridi ran a vaccination program for the American intelligence agency to collect DNA and verify bin Laden's presence at the compound in the town of Abbottabad, where he was killed last May by U.S. commandos.
A U.S. official implicitly criticized the sentence. "Without commenting on specific individuals, anyone who helped the United States find bin Laden was working against al-Qaida and not against Pakistan," Pentagon spokesman George Little said.?
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has?previously called for Afridi to be released, saying his work served Pakistani and American interests.
Afridi was also ordered to pay a fine of about $3,500, Nasir Khan, a government official in the Khyber tribal area, told The Associated Press. If he doesn't pay, he will spend another three and half years in prison, Khan said.?
Obama aides gave classified information on bin Laden raid for film, watchdog says
His?imprisonment is likely to anger ally Washington at a sensitive time, with both sides engaged in difficult talks over re-opening NATO supply routes to U.S.-led troops in Afghanistan.?
Panetta: Pakistan doctor gave US key bin Laden intel
U.S. officials had hoped Pakistan, a recipient of billions of dollars in American aid, would release Afridi. He was detained after the unilateral operation which killed bin Laden and strained ties with Islamabad.?
Farooq Naeem / AFP - Getty Images
U.S. forces found and killed the al-Qaida leader in the affluent Pakistani town of Abbottabad, where he had been living in a large compound.
Report: CIA ran vaccine ruse to get bin Laden's DNA
In January, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a television interview that Afridi and his team had been key in finding bin Laden, describing him as helpful and insisting the doctor had not committed treason or harmed Pakistan.
U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher introduced legislation in February calling for Afridi to be granted American citizenship and said it was "shameful and unforgivable that our supposed allies" charged him.?
Afridi was arrested soon after bin Laden was killed, and has not been publicly heard of since. Seventeen health workers who worked with him on the vaccination drive were fired in March, according to termination letters seen by Reuters, which described them as having acted "against the national interest."?
Brian Fairrington / Politicalcartoons.com
After years of hunting him down, Osama bin Laden is finally dead.? Check out this cartoon slideshow.
On May 2, one year after bin Laden's death, some of them appeared at the site where bin Laden's run-down white cement and brick house stood before it was demolished by Pakistani authorities.?
"He (Afridi) was very nice to all the people in the team and did his job very diligently," Naseem Bibi, one of the health workers told Reuters, holding one of the notices.?"Yes he was very interested in this house on that day (of the vaccination drive) but I am not sure why."?
NBC News' Mushtaq Yusufzai, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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