Customer service in Kenya is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
In broader terms it refers to systems in the business place that will maximise your customers? satisfaction with your business. Customer care is vital to any business, because if your customers are satisfied and happy so will profits and sales figures.
Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy ? happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers.
Customer Service in Kenya
When you go to a shop and the attendants are speaking in their mother tongue and the fact that you walked in is not sufficient reason for them to stop their conversation and attend to you. Or your hairdresser decides to sing to a song being sung on radio as she does your hair disregarding the customers comfort.
Or you visit a supermarket and the employees decide to hurl mild insults to each other not minding that the customer is hearing. Or in a restaurant you are given a raw sausage, you bite it and you cant eat further and the restaurant demands that you pay for it. How do you pay for something that you did not eat and was given to you in a careless manner? I mean the list is endless.
IF you bought something from a shop in Kenya and it did not work, there is no way they would refund the money back to you, instead they would tell you to buy something else and if you try to argue that you did not want anything else they tell you ?am sorry that is company policy?. Whilst in developed countries that kind of an answer would not suffice.
There are hardly any businesses in Kenya, other than Kenya Power and Lighting and Kenya Railways with a monopoly in the country so how is it that most institutions ?and businesses in Kenya can afford not to have proper customer service?
Why would any customer come back to your business or recommend you to anyone if you do not treat them extra carefully? I mean customer care is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
Most local businesses In Kenya treat a customer like they are doing you a favour. Why don?t they understand that customer is King? Were it not for that customer, your business would be closed the following day. Your salary would not be paid.
Aren?t there customer rights in Kenya?
Customer Service: What does it look like?
When a customer comes in they are greeted, the members of staff when dealing with the customer they make them feel like they are the only ones in the world so they pay attention to the needs of the customer.
This goes down to the local butcher, hair salon etc. If you do not treat your customers with respect, I can tell you how your profit and loss will look like in three years. Customers are the lifeline of your business.
I do not know whether to blame the staff or the business owners. At this time it does not matter, but I think it is the bosses duty to ensure that his staff members have a wonderful experience in his business premises because that is the only way to get referrals and referrals make business grow.
Could it be our culture that allows most businesses to treat us badly?
Or is it the customer to blame for not complaining and making them think that they are not doing anything wrong. Is it the customer having low standards such that when they are treated badly they think it is okay to be treated like that.
Personally, I will not go anywhere where customer service is not respected. If you are not willing to respect the person paying your salary, why should the customer partake of your services?
Solution to Lack of Customer Service in Kenya
Business is about relationships, and nothing is more important than that between the organization and its customers.? The parameters of that relationship are defined by every interaction and every touch point and thus afford no leniency for indifference.? If you care about customer relationships, you care about treating each call like a must-win situation for your team. Kenyan businesses need to? learn how to start learning how to value customers.
Whilst the business owners of Kenya need to change their attitude towards customer service in Kenya and train their employees accordingly so as to build customer? loyalty I think the Kenyan customer is the solution to this problem.
It is the customer who has to enforce their consumer rights to the service giver. It is the customer that needs to let the service providers know by all means possible that they are not pleased with the service accorded them. Make them aware.
In Kenya I must say I notice the Supermarkets like Nakumat and Naivas are trying hard to keep up their customer care on top but I must say local restaurants in Kenya need to style up on customer service in Kenya.
There are 42 Banks in Kenya, however, there is one that distinguishes itself out from the rest by the kind of customer service it provides. Distinguish your business from your competitors.
Good customer service in Kenya will make you stand out amongst your competitors.
Source: http://www.wamaitha.com/1126/customer-service-kenya-exist/
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