Thursday, July 26, 2012

How To Care For Sensitive Skin ? Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

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Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care Sensitive skin needs tender care. It reacts strongly to harsh chemicals, sun rays and commercially prepared skin care products. It doesn?t mean that people with sensitive skin cannot apply makeup or use cosmetics. It is just that they should use them carefully and be cautious about the ingredients used in cosmetics.

A few useful tips for sensitive skin care are given below to help you take care of sensitive skin.

Tips for Sensitive Skin Care

Chose Skin Care Products Carefully

Sensitive skin can be oily, dry or a combination of both. You have to choose skin care products very carefully as sensitive skin reacts to strong products which can cause irritation, redness and make your face blotchy.

Hypoallergenic skin care products are best suited for a sensitive skin. You can use homemade cleanser, toner, moisturiser and facial mask to take care of sensitive skin. Homemade products are safe and effective. They are easy on your pocket too. A few recipes are given below for sensitive skin care.

Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

Soaps should be avoided for cleansing sensitive skin as most of them contain strong chemicals that can be drying and irritating. Use mild cleansers that are specially made for sensitive skin if you are using a commercially prepared cleanser. For those who feel more confident with homemade cleanser, yogurt is the best natural product for cleansing sensitive skin.

Apply one table spoon plain yogurt, preferably homemade, and apply it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash off with normal water. Yogurt has a very soothing and cooling effect and it leaves your face absolutely clean and glowing.

Toner for Sensitive Skin

Toner is used after cleansing the face to help to close the pores and prepare the skin for moisturising. Toner can be applied with a cotton swab or with a spray bottle.?Commercially prepared toners can cause skin eruptions and redness to a sensitive skin. You can prepare a homemade toner with vinegar, rose water or lemon juice and use it as required.

Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

Take three parts water and one part of any of the above mentioned ingredient. Mix it well and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it all over your face and neck and let it dry as it absorbs into the skin.?Splashing cold water on your face also works as a toner, but the mineral compounds in water can cause dryness and irritation. Use water sparingly on a sensitive skin.

Moisturiser for Sensitive Skin

Moisturising sensitive skin helps to keep your skin smooth and soft. It maintains the elasticity of the skin and prevents premature aging. Moisturising is essential for every day sensitive skin care in all seasons.

Unboiled cold milk is an excellent moisturiser for sensitive skin. It has a soothing effect and it penetrates deep in to the skin pores. The protein, vitamins and minerals present in milk nourish the skin without making it greasy. Apply cold milk on your face and neck with the help of a cotton ball and leave it on for 10 minutes. Afterwards wipe your face with a moist cotton ball.

Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

Face mask can be used on weekly basis for sensitive skin care. It helps to keep skin healthy and free from blemishes, pigmentation and acne. Face mask also prevents and reduces wrinkles. Commercially prepared face mask for sensitive skin may not suit all skin types, thus you can try one of homemade face mask for sensitive skin care.

Mash a full ripe banana; add one tea spoon honey and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply on your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes, wash it off with normal water.?Mash a few pieces of papaya; add two table spoon orange juice and one tea spoon honey to it and use as mentioned above.?Mix two table spoons of plain yogurt with one tea spoon honey and one table spoon rose water. Use as face mask to calm your sensitive skin.

Also Read

?Sensitive Skin and Taking Care Of It
5 Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive Skin Care Tips
Remedies for Sensitive Skin
Special Care for Sensitive Skin

Face Scrub for Sensitive Skin

Facial scrub is necessary for exfoliation. It helps to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. You should not use a face scrub on sensitive skin more than once a week to avoid skin eruption and blotchiness. Sensitive skin should be scrubbed gently without causing any friction.

Take one tea spoon granulated sugar; add one tea spoon lemon juice and a few drops of water to it. Scrub your face and neck till sugar is dissolved and wash it off with normal water.?Take one tea spoon almond powder, one tea spoon gram flour and a pinch of turmeric powder. Make a paste with milk and use it as face scrub for sensitive skin care.

Take one tea spoon sandalwood powder and a few strands of saffron. Make a paste with milk and exfoliate sensitive skin with this scrub. Saffron and sandalwood powder improves complexion and skin tone. It adds a glow to your skin.

Less is More

Be very frugal while using makeup on sensitive skin. Less is more is the mantra to protect your skin from allergic reactions. Use light foundation and concealer and avoid very heavy makeup.

Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

Sometimes a light makeup can enhance your beauty more than a heavily done up face. Try mineral makeup instead of oil based one and always remove makeup before going to bed.

Protect your Skin

Sensitive skin needs protection from harsh sunrays, extreme weather conditions and rain water. Too much sun can damage your skin cells which may result in sun burn and skin peeling.

Exposure in extreme cold can cause frost bite and redness which can be very painful and embarrassing. Similarly exposure to rainwater can cause skin allergies like acne, rashes and boils to a sensitive skin.?Wear adequate protection such as sunglasses, a hat and always carry an umbrella while going outdoors.

Diet for Sensitive Skin Care

People with sensitive skin should avoid spicy food, deep fried food and processed food in order to maintain a healthy skin. Sensitive skin reacts to unhealthy diet more strongly than other skin types.?Drink plenty of fluids in form of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juice for internal cleansing to maintain a blemish free skin.

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