Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Promoting safe alternatives to wireless utility ... - Fairfield Safe Meters

Water meters, EMF and our Fairfield Community

Within our international organization the person who is considered most responsible for the presentation of research on such a subject as the effects of EMF is Steve Glickman. ?At the request of Dr. Eike Hartmann, Steve has drafted a letter evaluating the research.

That letter follows, with the three attachments to which he refers attached to this letter, slightly edited. ?All parties have Steve?s permission and mine to share this material in any way with the community.

My best,

Jonathan Lipman,?AIA, Director
Fortune-Creating Buildings
Maharishi Vastu architecture & consulting for the US, Caribbean & Israel
1680 Highway One, Suite 2600
Fairfield, Iowa 52556

Subject:?Re: EMF and our Fairfield Community

Date:?23. Juni 2012 20:47:36 MESZ

This is a very controversial area, especially since RF radiation is so pervasive in society.

The point Raja Hagelin makes is true ? cell phones held against the head are much more damaging then the intermittent pulses from the smart meters. Nevertheless, there is evidence that the pulsed nature of the digital modulation from the smart meters actually causes more secondary (athermic) effects to the physiology then say, a non-pulsed modulation, such as FM. Also, Raja Hagelin didn?t address the aggregate effect on the city population of thousands of water meters pulsing randomly every 14 seconds. The athermic or biological effects of RF radiation have been summarized rather nicely in the attached document, which is the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly report on EMF and RF from 2011.

Also, one may wish to look at the studies of Dr. George Carlo, who has published studies showing breakdown of inter-cellular communication, even with minute levels of RF (again, secondary or athermic effects). I have also attached a very detailed document from Dr. Carlo outlining his findings.

Personally, I believe there is a correlation between Maharishi?s footnote in the Invincible Defense book (footnote attached ? where he mentions that ELF and VLF disturb the harmony between the individual and the Cosmic Pulse) and Dr. Carlo?s finding that there is a disturbance in inter-cellular communications with low Hz mobile phone digital modulation harmonics (very similar to the pulsed modulation of Smart Meters).


Following is the Carlo Statement:

October 14, 2006
Eileen O?Connor
M Radiation Research Trust
45 Queen Street
Exeter,UKEX4 3SR

Dear Eileen:

In response to your query regarding new information we at the Safe Wireless
Initiative have gathered relative to your work with the EMF Discussion Group, I
would offer the following. Please feel free to circulate this summary information to
Sir William Stewart and his colleagues, and pass the message that I would be happy to?provide additional information if they would find that useful.

Note that the Safe Wireless Initiative ( is a project?within the non-profit Science and Public Policy Institute, based inWashington,D.C. The Science and Public Policy Institute, established in 1992, carries forth a mission to educate the public about issues where science and public policy appear to be at odds.?Our overall goal is to ensure that good science is applied as often as possible to public?policy decision making.

The Safe Wireless Initiative, now with more than 10,000 members, was
established in 2002 to facilitate the deployment of, an?independent post-market surveillance registry gathering symptom information from?consumers who believe they have been adversely affected by electromagnetic?radiation. The initial funding for the registry was gleaned as part of a legal settlement of a lawsuit brought against the mobile phone industry in Illinois.

As the only independent post-market surveillance program in operation in the world, we have had more than one million visitors, and now have confidential record of thousands of symptoms among people with health concerns related to mobile telephones, base?stations, wireless computers and various other sources of EMR.

During 2005, the scope of work encompassed by the Safe Wireless Initiative?expanded to include a variety of public outreach and research efforts using the information gathered through the registry as well as from other scientific and medical sources. We currently have projects underway in more than a dozen different areas.

The following is summary information related to some of our more recent?assessments.



This program is derivative of data collected through the health-concerns?registry as well as from clinicians across the world who report to us their?observations treating patients with suspected EMR related disease. The data?gathered are self-reported and are confidential to the patients; however, we regularly evaluate trends and summary statistics. It is important to keep in mind that this database is a self-selected group so findings are not as?scientifically rigorous as we would like.

Nonetheless, these clinical reports are?extremely useful as qualitative pointers of where disease occurrence may be?heading. In most circumstances, such post-market surveillance efforts would be conducted by industry and overseen by government regulatory agencies.?Such is the case with other potentially dangerous products such as?pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices. However, because none of the worldwide regulatory bodies implemented pre-market safety testing of wireless technology in the early days of deployment, the public is now in?trouble because of this worldwide lapse of government responsibility. This program is a modest attempt to help fill the void.

Overall, we are now seeing more and more reports of symptoms that are?consistent with electro-sensitivity. Those symptoms range from sleep and?learning disorders to neuromuscular conditions and tumors. Of note is that while in the first three years of the program, most symptoms were associated by respondents to their mobile phone usage and included mostly chronic conditions such as brain and other cancers, we are now seeing the majority of?symptoms being associated with mobile phone masts and other environmental sources of EMR. We believe this may well be a reflection of the every?increasing ambient levels of EMR in major cities.

Our assessment suggests?that the background levels that are the result of the exponential increase in wireless technology infrastructure are causing an unprecedented rise in information carrying electromagnetic fields. The significance of this is?discussed below where I describe our disease mechanism work.


Safety Alerts:?

As a major component of our public outreach efforts, scientists within the Safe?Wireless Initiative network regularly monitor new information regarding wireless technology dangers. Over the past year, the Safe Wireless Initiative has issued six Safety Alerts aimed at particularly high risk groups or issues that rise to a level of significant public concern. Our most recent Alert addressed specific concerns about firefighters and emergency first responders where we believe the effects of chronic exposure to EMR exacerbates the?damage done by high chemical and physical stressors in the workplace of?these professionals. The battery of Safety Alerts is available at


Intervention Demographics Research:

Prompted by our concern that information about both the dangers of?widespread EMR exposure and public health interventions to address that?exposure is systematically being distorted in the media, we have put in place a program to identify means of reaching out with this complicated science. Our work includes research on the information threshold for retention, credibility factors that most influence acceptance of health mitigating behaviors and the roles of both fear and empowerment in promoting healthful behaviors.

Most recently, for example, we participated in focus group research ofU.S.?teens, aged 15 to 18, to explore their views and attitudes about mobile phone health risks. Among the findings: young people know about the EMR health risk controversy, but believe it has been fixed by the government; young people believe the technology is safe because their parents have approved their use of it; and young people won?t be moved about the danger until they see scores of friends with brain cancers related to cell phone use.

This work?suggests an extreme reliance of young people on both government leaders and?the family structure to keep them safe as well as a high degree of denial about?the problem.

Film Project Support:

As part of our support of public education, we have provided technical advice?to a number of groups producing films addressing various aspects of this?problem. One film project, ?The Cell Phone War?, was produced at the request of French and German television networks as a documentary. When the film was completed in 2005, it was not shown immediately, supposedly because of ?no room for it in programming schedules.?

In July of 2006, when the French network, FR2 announced the premier showing of the French language version, French mobile phone industry executives threatened to pull all advertising money from the stations if the film was shown. After a legal exchange, the?film was altered and shown during midnight to early morning time slots. The German language version has never been shown publicly, although the film was delivered to German television more than one year ago.

The Safe Wireless Initiative obtained rights to distribute an English translation?of the film through our website. Those DVDs are now being circulated with the Safe Wireless Initiative receiving a $2.00 donation from the filmmakers for each DVD sold. In watching the film, it is relatively easy to spot where?adjustments were made due to industry pressure to lessen the impact on mobile phone sales.

The filmmakers involved in the television documentaries are now involved in?the production of a new film for cinema, ?The Boiling Frog Principle?, which is expected to be released in 2007. We are providing scientific support for that film.


Finally, a fictional adventure feature film with a working title, ?Degree of?Caution?, is also in production stages in the United States. We are also?providing scientific support for that film.??


EMR Dosimetry Research:

  • ? The current science shows that there are two distinct types of radiation?plumes capable of contributing to the development of disease in those exposed. The near-field plume has been studied most extensively relative to mobile phone exposure and the science indicates that the near-field plume ? usually within six to eight inches of the center of the antenna ? is the most intense and likely the most efficient tumorigenesis contributor.
  • ? The far-field plume is considered to have less of an impact ? with most?effects being acute morbidity ? although at least one study has suggested that genetic effects can indeed result from far-field exposures. Anyone who uses a mobile phone is exposed to both the near-field and far-field radiation. Anyone who uses wireless connection to the Internet is exposed to both near-field and far-field radiation. Those living or working in the vicinity of base-stations or masts are exposure to ambient far-field exposure, at least.
  • ? Over the past four years, the dosimetry science has become very precise?with respect to hand-held wireless devices. It is now clear that the primary indicator of the size of the near-field plume is the amount of power being used by the phone in carrying the information signal. The further away the nearest base station, the more power is needed to carry the signal. Distance and resultant power are more important to the size of the radiation plume than number of calls made or the length of calls made. Thus, while the intensity of the radiation plume is a complicated variable, the most important aspect is that the intensity of the plume determines the amount of tissue exposed.
  • ? Over time, as the density of base-stations has increased around the world,?the amount of power necessary to carry a call has not concommitantly decreased as one would expect. This is because more and more modalities ? such as music and movies ? have been added to hand-helds so power continues to be needed to carry the more data laden signals.
  • ? Most importantly for public health, we are concerned that early adopters of?the cell phone would have years of exposure to higher intensity radiation plumes. It is noteworthy that we have found no substantive scientific evidence to suggest that there is a threshold below which the radiation plume is safe. The no threshold data is also supported by the research showing that the mechanism of harm from EMR is not intensity dependent.


EMR Disease Mechanism Research:

  • ? The science now shows that the intensity of the radiation plume is not the

primary determinant of the severity of damage caused by cell phone use

when the power levels used produced non-thermal fields. Research now

shows that the coherence or form of the information carrying wave is the

determining factor in non-thermal exposures. This adds another

complicating aspect to the elements of dose, but it also adds plausbility to

the plethora of disease conditions now being reported as being related to

far-field or ambient exposures to EMR through base stations and masts. It

is possible that some exposures in mobile phone users reach thermal limits,

however, most scientists now assume the mechanism to be non-thermal.

  • ? The accumulative science now shows that the primary non-thermal

mechanism of danger to human tissue within the near-field plume and

likely from far-field exposures derives from a series of events triggered by

recognition by the biological cell membrane that a coherent, invading radio

wave is present.

  • ? It is noteworthy that the carrier wave ? in most cases many years of around

837 megahertz and some years of around 1900 megahertz ? is not easily

recognized by the biological cell membrane. It is oscillating too fast to be

picked up cell membrane sensor proteins. The membrane recognition

occurs when the information carrying wave ? a secondary wave oscillating

in the hertz range ? is present. For example, there is a 2 hertz signal

identifying presence in range of a base station; also, when talking occurs

there are hertz frequency waves carrying voice informaiton.

  • ? Once the membrane recognition occurs, a series of protective biochemical

reactions are initiated inside the cell as a means of cellular protection.

Included are stress protein responses that serve to effectively ?harden? the

cell membrane and disrupt active transport. The ?membrane hardening?

effect causes an intracellular build-up of waste products including highly

reactive free radicals.

  • ? These reactive molecules are involved in at least two pathways associated

with cancer induction. The first occurs when the mitochondria are attacked

resulting in both cellular dysfunction (for example evidenced by studies

showing leakage in the blood-brain barrier following EMR exposure), and

interference with normal DNA repair processes (for example, evidenced

by studies showing the presence of micronuclei in cells following EMR


  • ? It is noteworthy that several experiments have shown that these effects can

be eliminated when EMR exposure is taken away. This is the important

concept of dose-response down, a critical component of the Koch-Henle

Postulates for determining cause and effect.

  • ? From a chronic disease perspective, these two mechanistic pathways

impact all critical stages of tumorigenesis. DNA repair interference and

disruption of normal apoptosis can lead to genetic mutational changes that

many times are self-replicating ? consistent with the process of tumor

initiation. Fixation of the deviant cells is evidenced by the presence of

micro-nuclei in a number of studies of mobile phone radiation exposure.

General impairment of normal cellular function, especially mechanisms


that are meant to stop aberrant cell growth, can facilitate tumor promotion

or growth to a neoplastic stage and progression to metastases.

Epidemic Curve-Based Projections of EMR Related Morbidity:

  • ? The complications of EMR dosimetry make it difficult to discern clear

dose-response relationships in the published epidemiological studies

because the correct variables ? distance from base station at the time of

call and precise area of brain tissue exposed by the ever changing nearfield

plume ? can not be easily measured. Because exposures can not be

accurately measured, it is unlikely that epidemiological studies will be a

reliable indicator of the absence of risk for decades to come. All of the

epidemiology studies completed to date that purport to indicate the

absence of increased disease risk have inadequate power to detect risks

less than a doubling. Thus, from a purely scientific perspective, these

studies provide no reliable evidence regarding public safety.

  • ? These difficulties in measuring exposures cause definite misclassification

in the assessment of independent variables in the published and otherwise

reported epidemiological studies. These misclassifications most likely bias

those results toward the null. This means that results in epidemiological

studies that do indeed report increased risk are likely underestimating the


  • ? These factors make it imprudent to rely on standard

epidemiology/toxicology methods to assess risks in consumers. Because

the data are inherently unreliable ? likely missing true risks and giving

false information about the absence of risks or safety ? we found it

necessary to identify more aggressive means of making informed risk

assessment and risk management decisions.

  • ? As part of this aggressive public health protection program, we regularly

conduct standard estimate projections that will help us determine where

our limited resources should be focused to have the most public health

protection impact. Part of this process includes the use of attributable risk

derivative of statistically significant positive results in published

epidemiology studies.

  • ? It is noteworthy that there are more than two hundred published,

statistically significant hypothesis tests indicating an increase in the risk of

brain and eye cancer currently in the peer reviewed literature.

  • ? Our public health intervention approach applies those published

epidemiology data to the standard textbook formula for Attributable Risks:


  • ? We then apply those data to the derivation of mobile phone use related

epidemic curves where we are then able to estimate numbers of new cases

directly attributable to mobile phone use by year worldwide.

  • ? We assume a ten year cancer latency period.
  • ? In deriving those estimates, we apply the published morbidity statistics

obtained from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, as well as the

most recently published global estimates of mobile phone use distributed

by the mobile phone industry itself.


  • ? Our most recent epidemic curve estimates indicate that for primary brain

cancer, in 2005 there were 20,000 new cases directly attributable to mobile

phones; by the year 2010, the curve indicates that number will be on the

order of 300,000 new cases worldwide.

  • ? For eye cancer, the curve indicates 10,000 new cases worldwide in 2005

and 100,000 attributable cases by the year 2010.

  • ? When general morbidity data for the range of symptoms being reported to

our registry as consistent with electro-sensitivity are used as the dependent

variable, the epidemic curve indicates that by the year 2015, one in every

four persons who uses a mobile phone will have a symptom attributable to

the phone.


Consistent with the public health protection goals of the Safe Wireless

Initiative, we have initiated and active program of identifying and evaluating

the range of protective interventions that may serve to mitigate the myriad

adverse effects predicted by the exceedingly alarming epidemic curve

projections. We have adopted the standard and time-tested Public Health

Paradigm as our model, encompassing primary, secondary and tertiary

preventive as complementary, bundled interventions. According to that

template, primary preventions address issues of exposure; secondary

preventions address issues of symptom mitigation; and tertiary preventives

address issues of rehabilitation and long-term risk reduction.

Bolstered by our research program, we are now able to identify primary,

secondary and tertiary interventions by their likely impact on the specific

disease mechanisms contributing to clinical disease. For example, primary

interventions are those that prevent the occurrence of inappropriately triggered

cell-membrane mediated protective mechanisms leading to increased

intracellular free radical concentration. Secondary preventions are those that

restore disrupted intercellular communication that is the result of cellmembrane

damage. Tertiary preventions are those that, when primary and

secondary preventives are in place, facilitate the repair of damaged tissue. This

model is parallel to that employed in clinical pharmacology and other

mainstream programs for clinical intervention.

To facilitate our ability to ?scratch beneath the surface? with regard to publicly

available interventions, some of which are proprietary to the various

commercial interests who produce them, we have begun a program of

cooperation with what we term Strategic Alliance Partners. These

relationships with other non-profits and commercial entities, allow us through

non-disclosure and other types of confidential information protections, to

evaluate proprietary science in depth. These accesses are critically important

to our being able to assess which interventions work and which don?t, and

more importantly, to design strategies for combining interventions that will be

of most positive impact to public health.


Thus far our work in this area has been challenging. To be sure, there are no

?silver bullet? solutions to the problem of EMR related health risks. In fact, no

where have we identified any one product or intervention that offers, in and of

itself, adequate promise of protection. Nonetheless, the commercial landscape

is littered with fraudulent claims being promoted by companies as

inducements to sell products. Part of our goal is to bring truth to what is being

promoted to consumers; however, the challenge is compounded by the reality

that competing commercial interests must learn to work together and to put the

goals of public health above their parochial financial interests.


  • ? One of the biggest barriers to solving this emerging public health problem

are the orchestrations of the mobile phone industry to ?keep the lid? on the


  • ? Since the publication of the results of the $28.5 million WTR research

program indicating mobile phone health risks, the mobile phone industry

has put into place a global program to control the research agenda

addressing the question of mobile phones and health effects. The mobile

phone industry experience with the WTR ? independently conducted

research ? is widely perceived within the industry to have backfired and

they do not want to make the same ?mistake? again.

  • ? The mobile phone industry program is sophisticated, and involves

controlling the outcome of research by directly and indirectly controlling

the funding, as well as controlling the dissemination and interpretation of

the completed science. We have clear evidence nown that, in many cases,

the industry money is, in effect, laundered through such groups as the

World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society and regulatory

groups such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal

Communications Commission. In other cases, industry funds the gathering

of ?independent scientists? to review the state of the science and then use

the opinion as evidence of ?no problem?, cited in cell phone package

inserts and promotional materials.

  • ? We have strong evidence in hand to show that the key bodies that provide

emission standard advice to regulatory agencies, including the IEEE, the

ANSI, and ICNRP are strongly influenced by the mobile phone industry.

This has now moved to a point where government agency representatives

on various committees have abstained from votes that are too obviously

industry set-ups.

  • ? The result is a clear dichotomy: results of studies, opinions of review

groups and information dissemination tactics are discernabley dependent

on where the support funding comes from. It is a classic ?follow the

money? forumula.

  • ? Thankfully, in the past year, scientists have begun to speak out more

publicly about the industry ?hijacking of the science? in both scientific

fora and the general media. It is becoming an accepted fact within science

circles that the influence of mobile phone industry money is significant.


  • ? Prompted by some early work by Dr. Henry Lai, we have continued to

array the published studies in terms of funding source ? i.e. as either

independent or industry funded or otherwise influenced. Our data show

that mobile phone industry funded/influenced work is six times more

likely to find ?no problem? than independently funded work. The

difference is statistically significant. The industry thus has significantly

contaminated the scientific evidence pool, with the clear purpose of

making sure that a general ?weight of evidence? analysis would always tilt

in the favor of their position.

  • ? This factual information begs the question of what studies should be

admissible in the myriad public health assessment processes in place

around the world. At the very least, there should be controls on how

specific studies are weighted in deliberations where consumer safety is

being evaluated.

  • ? In theU.S., we are exploring how this factual aspect could be used to

create a presumption that industry funded research is biased and therefore

should not be admitted in litigation or in public health proceedings. We

note that in the early days of litigation around theU.S. Civil Rights

Amendment, it was decided that facts indicating discriminatory outcome

were considered to create presumptions of discrimination. The parallel

situation exists here. There is no question that the facts (i.e. study results

by funding source) show a discriminatory outcome

I trust this information will be useful to you, and again, we are happy to follow

up in whatever manner you believe would be most fruitful.

Sincerely yours,


Dr. George L. Carlo


Science and Public Policy Institute

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