Are you in the early years of growing your business as a coach, consultant or provider of high-value goods and services? Are you a more established business owner who?s ready to grow in business despite the highly competitive business economy? Do you feel fed up of spending a fortune on marketing with little or nothing to show for it? If so, articles are one of the most powerful and affordable ?foot soldiers? your business will ever have! Perhaps you?ve already jumped on the article marketing bandwagon only to find that it?s a nightmare writing and publishing top-quality articles consistently ? not to mention getting any tangible results from your ?sweat equity?? The honest truth is that if you?re really serious about growing your business, there is a more intelligent way to execute the affordable and proven method known as article marketing. Read on to find out more.
First, I have to say it?s no secret that well crafted articles can serve as your 24-7 militant workforce ? attracting dream clients and business partners from around the world (whilst you focus on other aspects of your business or take a well earned break). Personally, at least 90% of the traffic to my high Alexa-ranked websites come from articles that I have written and published on my own website and blog (blogging is just a fancy name for article marketing after-all), as well as on other people?s high traffic websites, blogs, newsletters, newspapers, magazines etc. ? both online and off. I have also grown my email list steadily over the years, positioned myself as a credible industry expert and secured high-profile speaking engagements simply by educating people via the writing and publishing of articles. The big secret however, is what exactly makes the difference between articles that get read, shared and acted upon and articles that frankly fall flat on their faces.
The first top strategy you need to know is that you just can?t afford to write articles like everybody else. Intelligent Article Marketing is simply article marketing that gets you the desired results ? more quickly and easily too. To do Intelligent Article Marketing however, you need to step back for a moment and ask yourself what makes you different from the multitude of coaches, consultants and providers of high-value goods and services who are rapidly writing articles online and in print. Yes, ?content is king? and you should be dishing out unique and top-quality information to your readers but at the end of the day, not much is new under the sun especially when google makes information from the millions of experts out there freely available at a click or two of the mouse.
The good news is that there may be millions of experts at large but there is only one person with the unique life experiences, business perspectives, passion and ?voice? that you possess.? So, who exactly are you as a person and what makes you different in the context of business? What?s your brand and what?s your story? When you develop a strong sense of this and taint everything you write with it, you will STAND OUT and be one step ahead whilst growing your business with Intelligent Article Marketing. For example, sometime ago I decided to write an article educating members of my boutique Enterprise Network on how to get more results out of business networking. As my business is called Creativity and Sense Ltd. and my brand has creativity and inspiration at its very core, I wrote and published an article titled ?Business Networking ? What Pet Are You?? Since several of my readers are pet lovers, this was a humorous yet informative article showing how people behave very much like pets in business networking situations ? some curling up in a corner of the room like cats, others getting in your face like bulldogs. The article was a hit with readers emailing to say how much they had enjoyed reading and learning from it!
In a nutshell, whether or not you are writing articles about conventional subjects like book keeping or on more technical topics for the Corporate, Mechanical, IT or SME sectors, don?t be boring and typical ? don?t hide behind the words and expertise. It?s a challenging market out there and you need to distinguish your business and inspire in business if you?re really serious about growing your business. Be confident, be bold and simply allow the real YOU to shine through. This will make article marketing far more enjoyable and productive for you and consequently for your article readers too.
Are you making any one of the ?top 5 killer mistakes? which prevent coaches, consultants and providers of high-value goods and services from getting more prospects, clients and tangible results from article marketing? To find out the top 5 killer mistakes and how to avoid them, GO TO:
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