Monday, September 3, 2012

8 Yummy Vegetarian Grilling Recipes | Care2 Healthy Living

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Summer and grilling go together like peanut butter and jelly. But so often, the menu seems to be focused on hamburgers and hot dogs. Why limit ourselves? There are so many other amazing options out there. If you?re looking for something to spice up your next BBQ, check out these tasty recipes that both vegetarians and omnivores will love.


Grilled Eggplant Stacks with Tomato, Feta, & Basil

These grilled stacks are a wonderful marriage of flavors ? the nutty richness of the eggplant, the juicy sweetness of the tomato, the light, fresh zing of the basil and the saltiness of the feta cheese. If you don?t have a grill, you could also make them by roasting in the oven. Try to find the sweetest tomatoes you can!

Get the recipe here!

Read more: All recipes, Appetizers & Snacks, Desserts, Food, Side Dishes, Soups & Salads, Vegetarian, BBQ, grill, grilling, slideshow

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